Saturday 1 August 2015

Dental Implants Vs. Dentures


Having the self-confidence to smile for a picture or at a co-workers joke can be difficult for those with missing or broken teeth. Whether decaying teeth and gums from Periodontal Disease or an accident leaves someone with injured teeth, it can be an embarrassment and frustration. Fortunately, modern dentistry has many options to choose from. Two common solutions are dental implants and dentures. While they may sound similar, these two technologies are quite different.

One of the greatest differences between dental implants and dentures is the permanency of each. While dentures can be removed from the mouth for cleaning and repair, a dental implant is permanently secured into the jaw through oral surgery. Over two to six months, the implants, or screws, will mold to the jawbone and eventually createattachments for other artificial teeth.

During the bonding period, temporary tooth replacements are placed on top of the implants to help the patient eat, drink and smile. Once the jawbone has fully bonded with the implants in the jaw, the patient has artificial teeth roots. Next, the abutment is set. This small connector then attaches to the replacement tooth, known as the crown. Once these steps have been completed, a patient with an implant is left with a secure tooth replacement for decades.

Another difference to take note of is the materials used to create dentures and implants. The implant anchors are generally made from titanium while the crowns are made from porcelain or ceramic. In contrast, crowns for dentures can be made from sturdy plastic or porcelain while the base is usually made from a base of acrylic.

When choosing dentures, patients can typically choose from full, partial or a fixed bridge. A full denture replaces either a full set of upper or lower teeth. When a patient is ready for full dentures, adhesive will be temporarily used to keep them in place. Once the muscles in the mouth and cheeks have adjusted to the denture, the adhesive will no longer be needed. A partial denture replaces just a few teeth when there are enough natural teeth still left in place. A fixed bridge is an alternative to an implant as it utilizes natural teeth on both sides of the missing tooth. The replacement tooth is cemented into place while the natural teeth support it.

When it comes to choosing between dental implants and dentures, patients need to discuss these differences with their dental provider. To learn more about dental implants in Cary, check out this website. Here you can explore additional information about dental implants and dentures and how they can help you smile big and bright.

Brush for More Than Your Smile

A thorough brushing of your teeth does more than give you pearly whites and fresh breath. It also decreases your risk for Periodontal Disease, respiratory problems and Diabetes. So let your toothbrush be your foundation for a healthy, clean body.

The Benefits of a Brighter Smile


If you are embarrassed by stained, yellow teeth, cracked molars or suffer from the pain of a broken tooth, you should consider cosmetic dentistry. With many benefits ranging from increased self-confidence to healthier oral hygiene, these services may be just what you need.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is an evolving sector of dental work that encompasses many different procedures. Some of the most common types include:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Bonding
  • Enamel shaping
  • Crowns and caps

Teeth whitening is a perfect solution if you suffer from stained teeth due to excess coffee or improper brushing over the years. Bonding is generally used to fill tiny cavities or cover up an exposed root in your gum line. Enamel shaping can be used to change the look of your teeth if they overlap or you have a bite problem. Crowns and caps are put in place when a broken tooth needs to be repaired or when a tooth undergoing a root canal needs protection.

Advantageous Beyond Looks

While cosmetic dentistry will greatly improve the appearance of your teeth, it will also make them healthier and protect you from other diseases. Your mouth is the gateway for bacteria to enter your entire body. If you have an exposed root, that opens up a pathway for bacteria to enter your bloodstream.

If you would like to learn more about cosmetic dentistry in Cary, please visit this website. You may be just one click away from getting that beaming smile you always dreamed of.

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